Sunday, December 22, 2013

Winter Break!

Our learning community has worked diligently over the past four months.  Enjoy a safe and memory filled break.

Exemplary Scientists at ABS

This past week, our 5th and 6th graders represented Albert Bridge in an exemplary manner!  They were poised, prepared, and displayed well thought out projects for the Windsor Science Fair.  Job well done.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Food Shelf

Hello Empathic Students,

Welcome back! We are so glad you are here.  We have a lot to be thankful for and during the month of December we should take some time to consider others and how they are feeling, too.  When we are able to understand and share someone else’s emotions, we are showing empathy.  Sometimes, by being empathic, we might try to help.  I would like to encourage us all to practice this skill over the next 3 weeks.  One way we can help or be of service to others is to share what we have.  The local food self is very low and we can help by bringing in peanut butter, boxed macaroni and cheese, canned fruits, vegetables, and soups! 

Empathically Yours,
Mrs. Aldrich