Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Windsor Prisoner Alert

      October 6, 2014

Dear ABS Community,

Albert Bridge School was alerted by the Windsor Prison that an inmate was missing from a worksite in Windsor this morning at which time we went into a preliminary stage of precaution with what is referred to as "clear the halls". This means children stay in their classroom with their teacher and continue with learning. If a child needed to be in the halls for any reason, (bathroom, nurse) he or she was escorted by an adult. We kept our students inside for the remainder of the day and assured all exterior doors and windows were secure.  We kept an administrator in the building until all students are cleared from the bus (meet by an expected adult at the bus stop) or picked up from school by an approved adult.  The students and staff did an exceptional job continuing to learn while following procedure.  Thank you all for your response and flexibility.

 If you did not receive an “alert now” message via phone from Dr. David Baker, our Superintendent,  please call the ABS office and let us know so we can check and update our records.

Please call the school if you have any questions.


Jenifer Aldrich

Monday, September 1, 2014

First week of exploration has been a success!

Our first days of the 2014 and 2015 school year have been a great success.  We welcome our new learners and their families.  There are many initiatives going on this year- please consider sharing your time, talent and energy! Our SCIP (Parent organization) team is looking for new faces~all are welcome…even if you do not have a student in the school!

Looking forward to an adventurous week ahead as 4th and 5th graders head off to STAR BASE on Tuesday!  Kindergarteners have been so awesome in working hard to learn all the new routines of our school day…way to work hard and accomplish a lot!

As always, don't hesitate to stop with ideas, concerns, or thoughts!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Off and Exploring!

4th and 5th graders are exploring physical properties and hoping to stay dry!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

Next Movie Night: Friday :August 15th

Inviting Brownsville Community and Friends to
Join us for
Movie in the Park
Friday, August 15th, 2014

Movie starts at Dusk at the Brownsville Ball field                                                 (Next to the school)
Bring a picnic!
Popcorn and lemonade will be available
There is no charge~ Donations are welcomed
Sponsored by Albert Bridge School’s Student Council

S.C.I.P. (School and Community in Partnership)

Movie in the Park and Kite Engineering

Mary Poppins July 18th
Kite Engineering project

Farm to School

Tomatoes and Marigolds From Farm to School Collaboration


Farm to School and Summer Gardening

Friday, June 20, 2014

Movie in the Park Night

Tonight is our Student Council's Movie in the Park Night~ We will play Finding Nemo, rated G starting at dusk on the ABS ball field.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Summer Events at ABS

Upcoming Events
Summer Events
Young Gardeners Club
(at school garden and playground)
Tuesdays and Thursday 10:30-12:00

Movie in the Park Nights
Sponsored by the ABS Student Council
Bring a picnic!
(at the school's ball field at dusk)
Friday June 20th: Finding Nemo Rated G 

Possible Future Dates

Friday July18th: 
Friday August 15th:

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

mini courses

Mini Courses are off to a great start! Thank you all who are joining in or supporting in the many other ways you do to help us all learn.

Adventures of a Game Warden…Check out the deer tracks!

Farm to School / Adventures of a Game Warden
Farm to School / Adventures of a Game Warden


 Friendship bracelets
 Recycled Fashion

 Studio Arts

Farm to School Garden

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Green Up Day!

The weather turned out to be ok for VT's Green Up Day!  Thank You to all who help make our community a better place!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

SBAC Testing

Albert Bridge Students in Grades 5 and 6 are showing their Grit on the state test!  Keep up the great work!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

School Budget Concerns: Team Approach to Solutions

West Windsor Residents

Seeking: Individuals Interested in Collaborating on
                School Budget Concerns and  Solutions
When:3rd Thursday of Each Month 5:00- 6:00 P.M.
Where: The Albert Bridge School Library

Interested:Contact your School Board Chair,
Art Keating : akeating@wsesu.net   or
Call the School at 484-3344
First Meeting: April 17th
Agenda~        Establish Mission

                     Establish Meeting Norms  

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Albert Bridge Geography Bee Team!

Congratulations to our Albert Bridge Representatives:  Caiden Lockwood, Ethan Mello, Oz Morse, Walter Schutz, Trevor White and Emilee Jones gave an outstanding performance at the Supervisory Union Geography Bee as they competed against students up to two years older!  After a rigorous test, Emilee Jones has made it to the state level as an individual competitor! Congratulations, we are proud of you all!

Yarn and Fabric!

Do you have extra yarn or fabric hanging around your house?  Why not donate it to Albert Bridge School~  All Kinds, All Colors!

Volunteer Bikers Needed

Albert Bridge  is looking for adult volunteers for our afterschool bike club:  Volunteers need to be willing to ride with students through pre-determined trails and support bike safety! Just let us know in the office!

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Our monthly theme for March is cooperation.   One of the most exciting focal points in the current research is the impact of children learning from each other.  In order for this to be most effective, students need to practice the skills required to cooperate. These skills include advocate for one’s own perspective and ideas, listening and understanding another person’s perspective and evaluating possible outcomes of different actions.   We can help children develop this skill by practicing cooperation with them.  I’ve learned that when cooperating with children I need to be prepared for surprises!

Thank You!

Thank you all for your thoughtful comments and support as we approached our town meeting on Tuesday.  I was impressed with the entire process and hope you will consider sharing your skills and ideas on our special committee designed to consider options for meeting the ever increasing demands on both our children’s learning and taxes we pay. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

School Budget

The West Windsor Community passed the school budget for next year- We have a lot of work ahead of us at the state, federal and local level.  Please consider collaborating with us as we try to effectively  address the rising expectations of, not only student learning, but of individual's bank accounts.'  More to come soon!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Town Meeting- Your Voice, Your Vote

An original purpose of public education was to assure that the public was able to be informed voters! At Albert Bridge, we work with students to help them learn to assert their thinking and concerns in positive, productive ways. Parents can role model one important way this happens in Vermont culture by participating in the West Windsor town meeting and voting on Tuesday, March 4th at 9:00.  If you are looking for more information to be informed about the school budget, you can find it at the bottom of the Albert Bridge Home Page!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Winter Break

Winter break is a great time for being outdoors or just sitting next the fireplace with a good book!  Enjoy your time with family and friends.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Brownsville Community Friday Night Skating Parties have been a great place for us all to enjoy the beautiful Vermont winter!  Next Party is on Valentines Day; stop in for a cup of hot cocoa, lace up your skates and join in the fun!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Week Before Holiday Break!

Our week ahead is busy! With snow on the ground the kids are excited to be out an about.  Please remember to be safe and warm.  Snow pants are needed at school to be dry and comfortable for afternoon learning.

Back in the saddle!

What a busy couple of weeks at Albert Bridge.   Friday was a Kale Smoothies Day! Some students don't look so sure Mrs. Chick should be adding that green stuff to the fruit and yogurt. With a little help from Mr. Butler, though, the student might just enjoy the superfood!

If you would like to try a Kale smoothie at home, just blend some of your favorite fruits and yogurt with a bit of kale (off the stem).  We used Bananas and strawberries with vanilla yogurt and some orange juice! Delicious and Nutritious!